Gulf Family Medicine Interest Group (GFMIG)
To be recognized locally and globally as the first and leading family medicine interest group in the gulf region and the Middle East
To empower the specialty of family medicine by raising awareness to this clinical field and by clearly defining the role of a family physician among the medical society and eventually the entire community.
Community services and public awarness events
Cleaning the Cave Park
The environment is the responsibility of each and every one of earth's occupants. And it's no different for us. Hand in hand we helped clean up the different parks in KFSHRC, thus spreading joy and happiness to the kids who got to play in nature's clean environment.
BMG Safety Driving Event
Car accidents, and other causes of death related to it, are a leading cause of deaths around the world. One way to reduce this toll, thus saving the lives of our children, is by telling them about its dangers. We took it upon our shoulders to help , by showing everyone the effect of safe driving.
Breast and the Beast
Awareness always starts with the individual. Each individual has his/her own way of expressing their feeling on a certain topic. Some write, while the talented draw. What better way to raise awareness about the ever growing problem of breast cancer than via drawings done by our students of Alfaisal. And as they say a picture says a thousand words.
Corona Event
After the attack of the Corona Virus on the Kingdom and the Middle East, controversies started flying around this virus, shrouding it in mysteries and questions. We believe that prevention is the first step toward a cure, but how do we raise awareness about preventing the mysterious. Simple, you shine a light on it, and that's exactly what we did.
Contact us via
Twitter: @GFMIG1
Medical Health Promotion