Organization Chart

Anatomy is the language of medicine. It offers the foundation of knowledge to all medical students. Although the technology in teaching and learning has grown exponentially and continues to change..
-read moreWelcome to Alfaisal Family and Community Medicine Department, one of the unique and influential distention of Family Medicine in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.
-read moreOur department offers several courses in biostatistics and epidemiology and has strong collaborations with public and private national and international health agencies and institutions.
-read moreBiochemistry is a central basic discipline to all branches of Life Sciences deals with the chemical nature, function, structure, energetic and pathways of synthesis and degradation of simple to complex biological and/or cellular molecules to understand the various aspects of cellular..
-read moreWelcome to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We utilize innovative approaches which stimulates critical thinking, intellectual discovery and promotes ..
-read moreWelcome to the Department of Pediatrics and Medicine. The department contributes to many courses of the undergraduate curriculum, mainly Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Subspecialty Medicine clerkships, as well as internships in medical specialties.
-read moreWelcome to the Department of Pathology at College of Medicine, Alfaisal University. The Department of Pathology enthusiastically supports the mission and values of the Alfaisal University School of Medicine. Our VISION is to promote an educational atmosphere that motivates intellectual curiosity, meets students..
-read moreWelcome to the Department of Pharmacology at College of Medicine, Alfaisal University. Pharmacology is the study of the effects of drugs on living systems, while a drug can be defined as any chemical substance that exerts effects on a biological system.
-read moreWelcome to the Department of Internal Medicine at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Internal medicine science represents the core knowledge for medical students and the future physicians. Our mission is to provide an exemplary student friendly learning environment for our students.
-read moreWelcome to the website of the Department of Physiological Sciences at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The faculty members of the department provide expertise and teach different aspects of physiological sciences to medical and graduate students.
-read moreWelcome to the Department of Surgery, Obstetrics & Radiology at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our mission is to provide an exemplary teaching environment for our medical students and residents.
-read moreThe Department of Clinical Skills acts a cornerstone in developing the skills of communication, history taking, and physical examination, and the interpretational and procedural skills of medical students.
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