Welcome to the Department of Pathology at College of Medicine, Alfaisal University. The Department of Pathology enthusiastically supports the mission and values of the Alfaisal University School of Medicine. Our VISION is to promote an educational atmosphere that motivates intellectual curiosity, meets students' interests in lifelong learning, and promotes excellence in skills and knowledge development, while maintaining an environment of educational excellence. With the recognized increase in the utilization of the concept of integrated medical curricula in leading institutions involved with medical education, it is necessary that pathology teachers engage in the change process and help shape this new-style of courses.
Learning at Alfaisal Medical School is "student centred "requiring a new approach to the acquisition of knowledge. The AU Pathology curriculum includes a Ten-week course ; '"Principles of Disease -POD 233" composed of the basic science subjects of microbiology, pharmacology, immunology and pathology taught in an integrated approach, followed by the organ-system blocks throughout the 2nd and 3rd year. Academically, the Department of Pathology at Alfaisal Medical School aims to provide the bridge between the clinical and basic sciences and to encourage active learning through the provision of an integral structuring of the different academic activities related to the teaching of pathology. And so there are no separate courses in pathology. Examples of this process are: Pathology is included in all relevant PBL case scenarios. We have introduced Clinicopathological correlation (CPC) sessions held allowing the student to develop critical thinking and integrate previously taught knowledge. Assessments of also integrated and we try to follow USMLE style type of questions.
The Faculty of the Department of Pathology provide a pathology educational web site containing images, notes, self –assessment questions, hand-outs, time tables and information related to their course. The faculty of the Department of Pathology strive to provide a quality work environment that fosters unity, respect for diversity, teamwork and professional growth. We are committed to serve our: STUDENTS, by providing the best student experience through outstanding educational programs for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate student. We integrate continuing medical education programs into the departmental activities. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH COMMUNITY AND HEALTH CARE PARTNERS, by sharing expertise, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and providing exemplary educational and scientific resources. We are a strong clinical and basic science department and our research endeavours include basic science as well as clinical and translational research.