Family & Community Medicine
Welcome to Alfaisal Family and Community Medicine Department, one of the unique and influential distention of Family Medicine in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. We at Alfaisal thrive to empower the specialty of Family Medicine by providing the best education to scholars, raise the public awareness, and ultimately deliver best health services to the community.
The Department mission is to create and sustain a culture of highly distinguished, creative, and collaborative specialty of family medicine through the following:
- Education: provide multidimensional, comprehensive, and evolving education of the knowledge, skills, and approaches in Family Medicine
- Mentorship: infuse empowering values through the "Family Physicians Faculty Mentorship Network"
- Research: commit to conducting cutting edge research projects that will address societal needs and bridge gaps within medical practices.
- Public: apply principles of Family Medicine to deliver better medical care that will enforce public awareness to the importance of the discipline in optimizing our health system.
- Global: Maintain well established and build new ties with international and global institutes of Family Medicine importance.

Whether you intended to visit our page or happen to meet us during your cyber browsing, we trust you will enjoy our company and find something interesting to learn about family medicine locally and globally. Marhaba!